Monday, August 16, 2010

Here's to the person that I thought you were...

Have you ever had that person in your life who you were always proud of? Even though you are not as close as you once were with this person, you always tried to be there for them in anyway possible. My little and I are not as close as we could be but I mainly blame our age difference (she's 20) and thought we would probably hang out more next year when we could get in the same places. She always knew how proud I was of her and that I would be there for her no matter what. Back when we were picking who we wanted, I ended up loosing this one girl to a girl who had the pick before I did. I was crushed but happy once I got to know my little, realizing how similar we were. I guess this summer just changed that all ...

Yesterday as I was clocking out of work I got a call from one of the younger girls on my tree who I adore. She is graduating early and is interested in running for president this winter and calls me, as an older girl, for advice. I knew something was wrong when I picked up and she yelled "I hate your little and (another girl)" - two girls who are not only on her family tree but her pledge sisters as well. For two hours I sat in the parking lot at work listening to the havoc that these girls have wrecked this summer. From causing un-necessary drama with a sister whose father just unexpectedly passed away to sleeping with a guy that another sister was hooking up with, there just seems to be no end in sight. I just feel terrible for her little (my little-little) because now apparently they hate each other. I am not close with my big so I always wanted them to be close with each other. Not only this but there is also drama surrounding the president, or lack thereof and how she was doing her best to ruin everything that I had once stood for. It has gotten so bad that the active girls have not had a meeting (or community service event) since June and we even have a member of the Executive Board thinking about resigning. I have seen the sorority in its highs and lows and this is by far the worse that I have seen. There is a meeting next week that me and some other alumni members are going to attend because there is a lot that is going to happen and be discussed there.

I am definitely not getting as involved as I used to and frankly, I was not going to get involved at ALL (aside from giving advice) but this concerns my little and I feel as though I have to be there. I will still give my little the benefit of the doubt and hear her out but hearing this was just very shocking. Obviously she is not innocent in this but I think that she has been provoked this summer. I will still be there for her if she needs me, I am just very disappointed in her.

Anyway, I ended up meeting up with the girl I was on the phone with and a few other girls that my little apparently terrorized this summer (they are all best friends) and I lost my True Blood virginity! I was very lost but I liked it enough to watch the next episode/catch up on this season.

On Saturday Ice Crotch and I trekked out to Whole Foods which is my favorite store to shop at. We got a lot of healthy things and I plan on cooking for the week so I might be able to get on the right track as far as eating is concerned. My semester is also winding down and my classes for the fall are all confirmed so it seems like this might be a great week coming up. This is good because this weekend was horrible!

Oh and BTW, I made a Tumblr and you can find it here. It basically will be a 365 Project but I just did two posts to "test" it out so I will definitely try to start that today. If I cannot take a picture I will definitely post a quote or something that sums up my day. All of my pictures have to come from my phone since the software for my camera ONLY works on a PC (WTF!!?! Anyone else have this issue?!) so they won't be high quality.

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